Eurachem Workshop “Trends and Challenges in Ensuring Quality in Analytical Measurements”

Eurachem week 2021 took place from May 17th to 21st in Prague, Czech Republic, within which a 3-day scientific online workshop entitled “Trends and Challenges in Ensuring Quality in Analytical Measurements” was held.

Founded in 1989, Eurachem is a network of European organisations on metrology in analytical chemistry, whose mission is to ensure the international traceability of chemical measurements and promote good quality practices. Eurachem develops guidance documents on key quality issues: measurement uncertainty, metrological traceability, reference standards, method validation, interlaboratory experiments, etc. These guidelines adapt and amplify the application of ISO documents to analytical chemistry and are used as a basis for the development of industry documents ― e.g., for the OMCL uncertainty evaluation guidelines that regulate the operation of official medicine quality control laboratories in the EU. Besides, Eurachem regularly conducts workshops and training events for laboratories for analytical measurements and accreditation bodies to disseminate best laboratory practices in the field of analytical chemistry.

One of the principal directions of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine is the development of a metrological system for ensuring the quality of medicines, which rests on the uncertainty concept and considers the internationally recognised standardisation rules in force in the pharmaceutical sector. Therefore, the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine is extremely interested in collaboration with Eurachem to harmonise approaches, particularly to the use of the concept of measurement uncertainty in quality control of medicines.

Dmytro Leontiev, Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Validation and Reference Standards Department and Natalia Volovyk, Deputy Head of the Validation and Reference Standards Department at State Enterprise “Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines” took part in the Eurachem scientific workshop. They presented a poster: “Metrological aspects of the certification of reference standards of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine” (authors: Leontiev D.A., Volovyk N.V., Gryzodub O.I.).

A total of 11 oral and 13 poster presentations were given. The authors of the Eurachem guidelines made oral presentations and carried out 4 hands-on workshops. The event was attended by 132 participants from 45 countries from Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Australia. The scientific program and presentations can be found on the organisers’ website at

Read more about the scientific workshop in the next issue of Farmakom.