Dear customers,

Reference standards of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU RSs) are identified by respective catalogue numbers. The intended use of the SPhU RS is specified in the catalogue. The batch No. is replaced when certifying a new batch or re-certifying the SPhU RS.

Download the catalogue here

Note 1: The catalogue is divided into Chemical Reference Standards (including impurities) and Herbal Reference Standards. The Intended Use of the SPhU RS (tests, methods, etc.) is given in the abbreviated form. The respective abbreviations are provided at the end of the list.

Note 2: The catalogue is not conclusive since SPhU RS can be certified by customer’s requests according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Please send a request about the possibility of certifying the SPhU RS absent in the catalogue at

The shelf life is specified in the certificate. SPhU RSs are suitable for their intended use up to the last day of the month specified in the certificate. For example, if Expiry date reads 03.2019, the SPhU RS can be used until 31.03.2019 inclusive.

One package contains an SPhU RS in a quantity sufficient for performing all quality tests required (for assay, in two replicates).

Unless otherwise stated, the quantity of the SPhU RS that can be actually recovered is specified in the certificate/label. If this is a case, the containers are filled with the substance in excess of the amount indicated in the certificate/label.

If a quantitative transfer is provided for, the containers are filled with the substance in the amount indicated in the certificate / label.

Unless otherwise specified, SPhU RSs are supplied at room temperature without the cold chain. If necessary, specific delivery conditions are indicated in the certificate.

To place an order, please send your request by email to

The prices for the Reference Standards of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine are subject to change.

Please, ask the current price on the day of the order by e-mail:


The Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines holds a firm and unequivocal position regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war. We strongly condemn the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Our company does not cooperate with Russia or Belarus, does not exchange any information, and does not provide services on their territories.

We also warn our partners that any distribution, supply, or sale of our services, including the reference standards of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU RS) to the territory of Russia or Belarus, is unacceptable.